Lowcarb tagliatelle alla bolognese

45 minutes

super easy

4 portions

If you didn’t know it yet… I LOVE pasta! You can always wake me up for a plate of home made pasta, like this lowcarb tagliatelle alla bolognese with low carb lasagne sheets!

I am glad that there are plenty of low carb pasta alternatives these days. One of my favourite low carb pasta alternatives are from Dreamfields. You can buy this brand in the webshop of Afvallen met Bregje. They sell all kind of different pasta types like spaghetti, macaroni and lasagne.

For this recipe, I used the lasagne sheets. I cooked them according to the package for about 9 minutes. Then get the lasagne sheets out of the water and lay them flat on a cutting board. Cut the lasagne sheets into thick strands and add them to the pasta sauce. This way you make your own lowcarb tagliatelle!

But how is this pasta low carb? Well, Dreamfields used a special technique that makes the pasta non-digestible until it reaches your intestines. The pasta has a special layer that makes sure that it is not absorbed into the body. But be careful, when you re-heat the pasta, this special layer will be broken down. So you have to eat this pasta recipe in one sitting, not a problem to me! You can of course use half of the ingredients. In this way, this recipe will make two portions instead of four.

Not a fan of tagliatelle? You can also use this recipe to make low carb lasagne. Just layer the lasagne sheets and bolognese sauce and finish it with as much cheese as your heart desires.

lowcarb tagliatelle alla bolognese

Baking supplies

For this recipe you will need the following:

This recipe makes 4 portions. The mentioned macros are per portion.

Looking for more tasty savoury recipes? Then go to the recipe page for more!

Did you make this lowcarb tagliatelle alla bolognese too? Then I would love it if you share a picture on Instagram and tag @melaketovita!

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500 grams minced meat
15 grams whole wheat flour or sifted almond flour
8 grams sambal oelek
splash of Culieet
Salt and pepper to taste
Green Gypsy Funky Pasta herbs to taste
15 ml worcestershire sauce
15 ml oil to cook the meatballs
Home-made bolognese sauce
1 onion
3 garlic cloves
400 grams Italian vegetables mix
500 grams passata di pomodoro
50 ml dry red wine
75 grams crème fraîche light
salt, pepper, pasta herbs and Culieet to taste
450 grams low carb lasagne sheets
Parmigiano Reggiano to taste



Cooking the meatballs – step 1

Begin with making the meatballs. Mix the minced meat, whole wheat flour, sambal oelek, Culieet, salt, pepper, pasta herbs en worcestershire sauce. Use a electric chopper for this to get the most soft meatballs. Then form the balls with your hands. Make sure that all the meatballs are about the same size. Then heat the oil in a pan and bake the meatballs until they are brown on the outside. Next, transfer the meatballs on a plate and put this on the side.
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Making the bolognese sauce – step 2

Then start by making the bolognese sauce. Use the same pan in which you cooked the meatballs for extra flavour. Cut the onion and garlic cloves and add them to the hot pan. Cook until the onion becomes transparent. Then add red wine and turn the heat on medium. Next you add Italian vegetables mix and cook this until this has reduced in size. Next, you add the passata di Pomodoro and crème fraiche light. Season the sauce with more salt, pepper, Italian herbs and a splash of Culieet. Let this simmer for 15 minutes on low heat.
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Cook the lasagne sheets – step 3

Fill a pan with hot water and let this come to a boil. Then add the lasagne sheets and a generous pinch of salt to the water. Cook the lasagne sheets for 9 minutes. Then take out the lasagne sheets (without throwing away the pasta water!!!) and cut them into thick tagliatelle strands. Add these to the pasta sauce, together with about 100 ml of the pasta water. Mix this until all the tagliatelle is coated with the sauce. Serve the lowcarb tagliatelle alla bolognese with some fresh grated parmigiana reggiono and enjoy!
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